
All our staff are here to help you.

To contact them, please click on their name below to email or phone us on 0131 332 9815.

Lesley Ross - Project Manager - Youth Work and Volunteering (Working Mondays to Thursdays) - Direct Dial 0131 285 9083

Laura McLaren - Project Manager Children's Work and Intensive Support (Working Tuesdays - Thursdays) - Direct Dial  0131 285 9082

Debbie McMillan -  Business & Finance Manager - Direct Dial 0131 285 9081 or  Mobile 07985 763033

Adele Irvine - Youth Development Worker - Mobile 07526 343723 - Direct Dial  0131 285 9084

Harry Munro - Youth Worker -Direct Dial  0131 285 9085 or Mobile  07871 372166 

Jill Hume - Intensive Support Development Worker - Direct Dial  0131 392 9175 or Mobile 07907017123

Adrianna Marcantonio - Youth Development Worker -  Mobile 07526 343731 or Direct Dial  0131 392 9172

Chloe Thomson - Intensive Support Worker -Direct Dial  0131 392 9178 or Mobile  07871 372165

Eva Stanley - Youth Wellbeing Worker - Mobile 07871372167 or Direct Dial  0131 392 9179

Donna Townsley - Youth Development Worker (Volunteer Support) Direct Dial 0131 392 9173 or Mobile 07871 372168

We also have 8 sessional staff who regularly work within the clubs and groups and during our holiday provision.

We have 12 volunteers who work in the clubs and groups and on our board.

To find out more information on how to volunteer please get in touch with Gillian, our Volunteer Development Worker.