
From 2022-23 everyone at PY from staff to young people got involved in our LGBT+ Charter Journey with LGBT Youth Scotland!

The LGBT Charter is a programme created and delivered by LGBT Youth Scotland. Its aim is to create better inclusion for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people within organisations that take part. For us that includes all of our young people, families, volunteers, staff, Management Board and any partners we work alongside.

Throughout this time, we participated in many activities learning about and celebrating the LGBT+ community. June is Pride month and although we strongly believe and advocate for pride all year round, we did a lot of work this month! A large part of the charter work is all about bringing awareness and so we thought it was very important for us to mark Pride Month! Earlier in the year our S1+ Drop In made an LGBT+ Icon display where they created posters on influential people from the LGBT+ community.

They then decided that a good idea for Pride Month would be sharing these posters on our social media channels so even more people could learn about these amazing people. The Icons chosen were Marsha P Johnson, Hunter Schafer, Harry Styles and Lizzo.

During the week of Edinburgh Pride we decided to do some themed activities in our clubs – we made hanging rainbows in P5-7, did some rainbow baking and LGBT+ Badge making in Girls Group and our S1+ club had a Pride Silent disco!

We also celebrated various days throughout the year such as Trans Day of Visibility, Coming Out Day, LGBT+ History month and HIV Awareness day.

Both staff and young people shared they felt they had learnt a lot in the sessions we had run, and also that they felt more comfortable having discussions on the topic.

Our Charter Mark Journey was really just the start of our more inclusive journey, with so much more to do!

We keep our PY community up to date with all our work on our social media platforms so keep your eyes peeled there!

Youth Development Worker: Adrianna Marcantonio

For more information contact Adrianna 

Here is a link to our Charter journey so far...

Useful LGBTQ+ Information
