Roots and Branches – This is a closed group for young people in S1+ who would benefit from a safe, nurturing space to build relationships with peers and increase their self- confidence.
Young people who have been coming along are really enjoying it. The group is about spending time together, making friends and taking part in activities which help build young people’s confidence.
One young person recently said:
“I love coming to the Roots and Branches’ club…
It’s made me feel more confident and it’s great getting out of the house and spending time having fun with people and making friends….
It’s making me a more confident person and it’s made me realise that people aren’t all out to bully me. I’m trusting people more and feel confident speaking to people now”
In the last year we have also provided a “Mini Roots and Branches” programme. This is specifically for Primary aged children. This new group has been a big success, with participants understanding what the philosophy of the group is, namely, an inclusive, nurturing group that acknowledges the importance of diversity and everyone being valued and treated with respect. We have seen new friendships emerge and group members being a valuable source of support to each other, whether it be because they are being bullied at school, or because they are having family problems.
Similar to our 1:1 Support Service, we hope that we are engaging with children and young people at an early enough stage so that we can reduce their social isolation, increase their self confidence and
resilience to prevent detrimental effects to their long term health and wellbeing.