New Consent Forms for New School Term

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Regardless of whether you completed a consent form a few weeks ago, you will need to complete a new consent form for the start of the new clubs and groups at the beginning of September.

Children and Young People – As usual we will let you attend the club without a new consent form for the first week but you MUST bring back the form completed by your parent or guardian by the following week otherwise you will not be allowed to attend the club without a pretty good reason!

Why do we need the consent form updated?   Simply enough so we know how to get hold of you if we need to tell you about your clubs and groups, for instance, if they have to cancel or you are to meet up at a different time.   Also, its handy to have your up to date medical details including allergies and an emergency contact details in case we need to get hold of your parent or guardian

A huge thank you to Wigbank

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For their donation of £235, raised by them.



Children going to Gorgie Farm ready for the glorious sunny Scottish weather!


Fundraising so far this year £1999

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PYCP staff have been on a mission to make money for  clubs and groups and here is an update on what we have done.

Mike Roper, Fred Whitton Challenge £220.00
Mike Roper is a keen amateur cyclist who has just completed the UK’s toughest cycle challenge to raise money for PYCP again, see full article and roving report further down news page.

Community Games Night £811.00
Over 70 people attended the community games night to help raise funds for our summer activities.  The night was a success and the project raised £811.00 which we will use to fund summer outings for children and families.  Many thanks to the community for attending and all the agencies and companies who donated generously. We would also like to thank staff and their friends and families who also donated prizes for the event.

 List of companies / people to thank

Danceathon – Sing-a-long – Bounceathon  £47.00
A group of young people in P5-S2 spent the afternoon making the most of our dance studio, learning new routines and even a bit of free styling! The staff had as much fun as the young people for this dance-athon.

Thanks to Casey, Nicky, Maria, Morgan, Kayleigh, Brian, Jack, Amy and Holly who joined Adele, Katie and Laura from the staff team to sing the whole of “Grease the Movie” to raise funds for PYCP!!

The bounce-athon was enjoyed by all the Under 5’s from the Friday Parent’s Group.

Car Boot Sale £120.00
Lesley raised £120 on her early morning car boot sale!

Quiz Night at Spartans £801.00
Pipped at the post by the community games night, the quiz night raised just over £800.   The whole night was enjoyed by everyone and some of the team names raised a few eyebrows on the night!  Here are the placements from the night:

1st Place Winners – “Pointless”!

1st     Pointless
 2nd  Red Star ….
3rd   Shy & Retiring
4th  Disparate Art Wives
5th  Dancing Queens
6th 3 Degrees & and A
7th  Quizee Rascals
8th  Sacro Jets
9th  Bicycle made for 3
10th Quizteam Aguilera
11th  Gis’ a Minute
12th  In Last Place
13th  Clasact
14th  Cardinal Sin
15th  Sarah and the Baby Brains
16th  Chicks …..
17th  Kermits Muppets
18th  Stop the Bus
19th  Annie and her friends ……

Annie and her Friends – Last Place Winners!

We would like to thank everyone who donated prizes for the raffle, we appreciate the support you give us.

Thanks Mike!

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Mike Roper is a keen amateur cyclist who has just completed the UK’s toughest cycle challenge to raise money for PYCP again.

Self-employed architect Mike, thinks nothing of jumping on his bike in his home town of East Linton and cycling into Edinburgh for a day’s work before getting back on the saddle for the return journey, and not just because will do anything to avoid paying for a train ticket… Mike loves to ride his bike! Two years ago, Mike was part of the team that accompanied (practically towed) PY’s Mark from Aberdeen back to PY during what felt like a monsoon. But this time, Mike almost bit off more than he could chew when he took on the infamous Fred Whitton Challenge, an ultra hilly sportive ride over some of the Lake Districts highest passes.

Here’s what happened when Lee, Michaela, Jamie and Georgia from the Get Involved Group set Mike some questions about cycling, The Challenge and what motivates him to put his body on the line for children and young people in Pilton:

How long have you been cycling and how old were you when you started?
Most  of my life.  Since I was 5, but got into more serious road riding about 7 years ago.  I love it!
 What was your  first bike and what bike do you have now?
First  bike was something like a Raleigh Budgie.  I have 4 bikes now; my best one is a titanium Van Nicholas road bike.  I have recently ordered a hand built steel Mercian frame – this is a long term old man’s bike – made  in my hometown of Derby, I have dreamed of owning one since I was about 13.


You cycled 112 miles in the Fred Whitton Challenge for PYCP, is that the furthest you have ever cycled? Was it the hardest? How long did it take?
The furthest I have ever cycled was with your very own Mark Hunter from Aberdeen to Edinburgh (143 miles).  The Fred Whitton was one of the hardest  due to all the hills, but it was the weather that really began to break me. It was really cold then it rained heavily for the last 40 miles, some people had to drop out with  hypothermia.
Did you have to  do a lot of training for the challenge?
I  should have trained, but I don’t really know how, I always say to people I don’t train I just go on bike rides – this is kind of the point for me.  The thought of spending hours  in a gym or on a turbo trainer completely depress me.
You raised over £220 for us, what made you choose to do the challenge for PYCP?
I  wanted to raise money because it is a good opportunity to do so and it  gives you massive encouragement to know that you have to complete the ride to help others.  I chose PYCP because of previous involvement with Mark and it’s a local charity where there will be an immediate benefit.
How could somebody our age (12 years old) get into cycling? Is it dangerous?
I would encourage anyone of all ages to take up cycling, 12 is a perfect age and it gives you a real sense of  freedom.  I think cycling on the road can be dangerous; it is worthwhile doing a cycling proficiency course and understanding the views of drivers, as you need to anticipate their reactions.  I think mountain biking  is a good opportunity to be away from cars and Scotland is perfect for it.
 No matter what type of cycling I’m doing, I always wear a helmet.       
Do you have  children and are they into cycling like you? Do they support you when you  do challenges?
I  have two daughters, one 5 years old and one 14 months old, I recently got      Sofia the 5 year old a nice bike, but she hasn’t got the hang of it yet.  I think SofWia thinks it’s not very special to go for a bike ride and I take too long.
Who’s your favourite cyclist and what would you do if you met him/her?

David Millar is my favourite cyclist, because even though he has never won the Tour de France he is clearly a great bike rider, loves the sport and has been through very dark times cheating using drugs but redeemed himself with his complete anti-drug campaign and honesty about the fact he is an ex-doper.
Would you rather be; Sir Chris Hoy or Sir Bradley Wiggins?
I’d rather be Bradley Wiggins, but Chris Hoy is a real star.


Who would win in a race between you and Mark?
Any plans to do  another challenge?


Huge thanks go to Mike for all his effort – from everyone at PYCP!!!

Tomorrow’s People helping us today!

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Tomorrow People came along to PYCP in April.   A group of unemployed young people worked on their access to work scheme   for 2 days.  They painted a wall in the gym hall and our reception area.   This gave them practical experience and skills which they are able to put in the work place.   Tomorrow’s People are supporting and working with different groups in the community.   Thanks for all the hard work they put in.

Easter Funtime

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Eggstravaganza – Over 60 young people and their families took part in lots of Easter challenges such as an Easter Egg Hunt, an egg and spoon race and an egg throwing competition!! Well done to the winning team, The Fluffy White Bunnies!


Egg Throwing Competition