Healthy Respect Award 2013

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Healthy Respect has been awarded the LGBT Charter Mark from LGBT Youth Scotland, in recognition of its high standard of support for young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals. Adele and Katie from the PYCP youth work team work with Healthy Respect and Ronnie Willets, School Nurse, to provide a drop in service for young people at Craigroyston Health Centre. Adele and Ronnie accepted the award on behalf of Healthy Respect at their Network Event on 7th October. In order to be eligible for the Charter Mark award, organisations and groups must demonstrate they have met a list of criteria outlined in the LGBT Charter of Rights, to develop more inclusive service for LGBT people.

Commenting on the award, Ronnie  said,  “It is a privilege to receive this award on behalf of all the Healthy respect networks. Thank you to my colleagues Adele and Katie, who help and deliver this important service. Thank you to Healthy Respect for their support and guidance over the years. We all understand all drop-ins deliver an important part of the community regarding raising awareness for LGBT young people”

AGM News

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Our AGM was on 25th October and over 40 visitors joined us to celebrate our last year.   Our Zombie Dancers had been practising for weeks on their Thriller show and we were not disappointed in the spectacular show they produced.   A big thank you to Adele, Katie and Laura for their choreography skills too.    Here are some photos of the day.


Spooky poses – thanks to the PY’s Make Up Department!


[Left] Scary pose after the dance [centre] Clare Halliday (PYCP Chairperson) and Malcolm Chisholm (MSP Edinburgh North & Leith) [Right] Zombies in the bushes!

[Left] Lesley Ross PYCP Project Manager with Clare Halliday [Centre] Some of the zombies enjoying afternoon tea [Right] Afternoon tea, scones, sandwiches & cake!

A message from Gillian Eunson, Education Worker for Show Racism the Red Card Scotland.

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Thanks Gillian for your kind words following our  football event on Thursday 17th October.

We had a great day at the PYCP centre yesterday. Both myself and Michael Weir were really impressed with the work you guys are doing up there. Michael grew up really close to the centre so he was especially pleased!

I’ve attached a copy of a photo I took on the day, and also a link to the news story which we have put up on our website.

Thanks to all the staff also who were very accommodating,
